Thursday, February 27, 2014

Genre Analysis Sources Evaluation

For my academic article, I chose an excerpt from an encyclopedia. It basically states that since Portugal decriminalized all illicit drugs, the use of them has not risen. I have chosen it because it looks quite informative and professional.
For my second, my visual, I have chosen the common meme on the internet called “Philosoraptor”. It says that we shouldn't keep marijuana away from people if it makes them happy because laughter is the “best medicine”. It doesn't have a lot of words on it and it makes one question what the answer should be in this debate.

For my third, random text, I have chosen a newspaper article from the Washington Post. It begs the question: why are some of the most deadly substances legal in the United States? This piece is very conversational as it is a basic news article. It was quite easy to read and very informative.

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