Sunday, April 6, 2014

Selection, Slanting and Charged Language

The principle of selection is what most defines our knowledge. What we know depends on what we notice most, for instance, you might remember a lesson more if the instructor did something unexpected or fun. The knowledge we pass on is always selected and shaped. Next is the principle of slanting which focuses on the way the knowledge s presented to others. It can be favorable or less favorable depending on the wording. All of the information we receive, comes to us selected and slanted, so we can never really know all the facts correctly. Charged words have all to do with our impressions on a subject. Based on the story of Corlyn, choice words do matter. In one story, she was seen in a positive light because of the simple, attractive words used whereas in the second example, she is seen as a harsh woman. However twisted the facts may be due to charged language, it's always going to be around.

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